How you can push for climate action

Find your own way to push for climate action
We’re facing a climate emergency. It’s a good time to consider what we can do to encourage urgent action on climate.
Here’s an amusing song on becoming an “agent of change“.
Here are some possibilities:
- Get informed
- Talk to friends and family about climate action
- Go to a demonstration. There are many different sorts of demonstration. Warm is not Cool in 2016 was focused on entertaining people.
- Attend a meeting
- Sign a petition
- Write to your members of parliament or visit them
- Write to your city councillors
- Vote for people who will take action on climate.
- Join organizations that are pushing for climate action
- Donate
- Subscribe to newsletters supporting climate action
- Volunteer
- Make your own home more energy-efficient.
- Eat less beef
- Walk and cycle more. Fly less.
Preparing your business
- How is your business going to be affected by climate change
- What should you do to prepare
- Preparing your business for climate change
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