
Climate change is bringing many dangers.
The most significant risk of the current global warming is that the warming can cause more warming, which causes more warming, and so on. See: Warming causing more warming: Amplifying feedbacks.
There are also dangers associated with:
So much change threatens the stability which maintains the web of life and supports life as we know it. It threatens to exacerbate human difficulties and create chaos for the 7.6 billion people on the planet.
Consider a 3 C increase in temperature
Without rapid climate action, the planet will experience a temperature increase of 3 C above pre-industrial temperatures and more. We do not know where the Earth’s tipping points are, but if heat amplifying feedbacks become dominant, we risk the extinction of a large proportion of all species on the planet. During the Pliocene, the temperature of the Earth was about 3 C higher than our pre-industrial temperatures. The seas were 25 metres higher for a period of three million years.
(What would 3 degrees mean: Climate Code Red: Sep 2010)
Allowing global heating is a crime
Around the globe, many politicians and media barons promote the use of fossil fuels and oppose action to limit climate change, e.g. the Trump administration in the USA and the Murdoch press.
In Australia, the Coalition has consistently resisted moves towards renewable energy, and the Labor Party is trying to have it both ways, supporting renewables and fossil fuel expansion.
These people have the whole world of information at their fingertips, so they should know the dangers of climate change, and if they do not, it’s criminal ignorance. To oppose climate action knowing the risks is to support the destruction of our liveable planet, which would again be criminal. Whether they are acting in ignorance or with knowledge, this is a crime of the highest order. They are climate criminals.
(I am a climate alarmist. Global warming is a crime against humanity: The Guardian: 30 April 2017: Lawrence Torcello)
Updated 14 Dec 2020